So what’s your plan?
So what’s your plan?
So, what is your business plan for this week? Do you have one? If not.. why not?
Do you know what you’re doing today, tomorrow, or the next day? Or are you just going to do “this and that, here and there..” and see if anything good happens..
I know exactly what I’m going to be doing this week. I have a plan. In fact, that’s the only way I get things done around here. I write it down, and I follow it as closely as possible.
Having a strategy or a plan is one of the most important things in building your online business. Even though that is true, it’s STILL one of the most ignored aspects of getting your business going. Planning is absolutely essential to making money online. Speaking from experience.. it’s simple. Years ago I never planned anything for my business. There was no rhyme or reason to what I was doing. Guess what.. I made no money (big surprise). As soon as I started making long term and short term goals, and WRITING THEM DOWN, I started to get things done and best of all I started making money – and lots of it.
In these days with all of the “information overload” we experience on a daily basis, following a plan is SO important to staying on track and not getting sidestepped. Being inconsistent, and not focusing on a well thought out strategy will turn you into a program hopper. And we all know the other well known term for program hopper: “broke”.
“You have to have a plan, a strategy. If you don’t, what you are doing has no value.”
I know that many of you are like me, we absolutely HATE making lists. I always thought that lists were way too restrictive and didn’t allow me to do the things I wanted to do. However, what I found out eventually that it was the complete opposite. It turned out that making lists, goal setting, and planning was giving me back the time I needed to do the stuff that I wanted to do! Kind of an “A-ha!” moment for me, really. It freed up a lot more time, and best of all it freed my mind from having to think of my ‘to do’ items all the time in my head. I got stuff done, made more money, had more time, and slept a LOT better.
In my training modules I will have a whole mission dedicated to goal setting, plus another mission dedicated to planning and making a strategy. They’re not quite ready yet, but I absolutely believe that after following my guides in these areas, you will start to really see results in your business. It’s exactly the same steps that I take, and they work.
So… how do you plan for the day/week/month..?? Let me know below…
- Geoff Stephen
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